About Us

About The Cleaning Crew QLD

The Cleaning Crew Qld is a business that has been founded on the experience and expertise of the Directors 40 years’ experience in the service industry. We have brought a culture of safety and customer service to our business resulting in low staff turnover and growth through referrals and clients repeat business.

Our capacity to perform the works and manage the staffing requirements are demonstrated by our clients testimonials and the repeat business from client partnerships.

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About Us - The Cleaning Crew QLD

The Cleaning Crew Qld provide dedicated personnel to each site in order to maintain continuity of service levels for the client. The benefits to having dedicated personnel ensures The Cleaning Crew provide:

  • a service that is highly programmed, consistent and reliable
  • a service that incorporates flexibility
  • a resource that can be reactive to issues and client requests should they arise
  • staff who will develop a high level of ownership, dedication and commitment to each site

The Cleaning Crew’s aim is to bring out the best in our people. Each team member is encouraged to contribute to the company’s continual growth and success. The team members enjoy a work environment where they feel respected, supported, recognised and trusted.

About Us - The Cleaning Crew QLD
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